Animal friendly and
environmentally aware
The demand for sustainable products produced to high animal welfare standards is here to stay and is increasingly requested by retailers and food producers. Kwetters supplies sustainable products produced to high animal welfare standards in accordance with your requirements and furnished with the appropriate labels.
Even the eggshell is processed
Not every egg is suitable for sale as a table egg. These eggs are sold to egg-processors, who break open the eggs and separate the yolk and white. These products are then sold to producers of foodstuffs and shampoo. We supply eggs that are not suitable for the egg-processing industry to companies that can turn even the egg shell into a useful addition to animal feed. This ensures that all residual streams from our production processes are used. No part of the egg is ever wasted.
Sale of eggs to retail
Kwetters supplies eggs to major supermarket chains in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. We work with our poultry farmers to select the very best A-quality eggs, which we deliver in the requested packaging and with the preferred design.
Sale of eggs to industry
We supply to the egg-processing industry, dye-houses and boiling facilities. We work with our poultry farmers to ensure that your order meets the specific requirements for further egg processing. Good traceability!

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